Commissioned by Mansions of the Future in partnership with the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust.

Celsius Programme is part of Mansions of the Future’s Lincoln Live season and Antarctica In Sight – a UK wide cultural programme of activity supported by the UK Antarctica Heritage Trust. This series of talks, discussions and performances was readapted to an online context, and explore the groundbreaking intersections of arts and STEM subjects with a focus on climate change and the uniquely precarious position of Antarctica in today’s sociopolitical climate.
Monday 28 Sept: Celsius Online Symposium with Ken Arnold (Creative Director, Wellcome Collection); Prem Gill (British Antarctic Survey & WWF); Camilla Nichol (Chief Exec UK Antarctic Heritage Trust); Studio Orta (artist duo, founder of ‘the Antarctica World Passport’).
Tuesday 29 Sept Research at the intersections of art and science, a conversation with artist Josefina Nelimarkka . A conversation between artist Josefina Nelimarkka and curator Linda Rocco on research practices at the intersection of art and science. Edited with past documentation and fragments from interactive works, the conversation will touch on issues of climate awareness, value systems in scientific advancement and the power of art to make the invisible, visible.
Wednesday 30 Sept:On Board, on Zoom – a focused discussion session lead by artist Rhine Bernardino exploring possible contributions and expectations in a floating society, a life surrounded by waters.
Thursday 1 Oct: Aidan Moesby in conversation with Prof Thomas Dixon: I was naked, smelling of rain. How does the weather affect your emotions? How might this change with the influence of climate change? A BSL interpreted conversation with artist Aidan Moesby and Professor Thomas Dixon, followed by the screening of I was naked, smelling of rain – a performance piece exploring the impact of the external physical and social weather on our internal mental health and wellbeing. In the midst of the climate change and mental health crises, Aidan proposes that we’re the most connected ‘on-demand’ generation, yet we seem to have lost touch with who we are and where we fit in the world.
Friday 2 Oct: Nourishment in extreme places: eating habits in Antarctica
Saturday 3 Oct: Tales of an ancestral voyage told through spoken word, music and cutting edge technology. Prepare to go on an AfroFuturistic journey, passing through Antarctica to an unknown destination. Lula Mebrahtu is amongst a handful of musicians leading the way for the evolution of music using an interactive midi controller, MiMu gloves, which translate simple hand movements into complex musical compositions.
WATCH THE FULL ONLINE PROGRAMME on https://mansionsofthefuture.org/events/celsius